Charleroi Federal
Charleroi Federal
205 South Arch Street
Connellsville, PA 15425
Phone: (724) 628-6001
Fax: (724) 628-6338

Managing our financial lives has never been more complex. No matter what our income level or investment savvy, the burden of ever-increasing household expenses, escalating educational costs and spiraling taxes means that we all must make sure that our money is working hard, day after day, year after year.

There is no shortage of people claiming to be able to help. A lot of banks, brokerage houses and insurance companies complete for your business, with each promising the world. But when all the variables are tallied and compared, aren't the most important factors actually the trust and support--as well as the return on your investment--that you and your bank share?

Isn't it crucial to you and your family's future that you have the active support of a bank on which you can depend?

We want to be that bank for you.

We're a neighborhood bank, modern in our offerings but traditional in our philosophy. We are proud to be just that. Our personnel are highly trained and motivated. They are courteous and friendly and interested in serving you in every way possible.

Above all, we are a reflection of what you want a bank to be. Because we are your neighbors and friends, we share the concerns about financial stability. Our employees live in the communities in which they work. We believe in serving our customers for the long term. We want you to prosper. We want to help you do it well, so that we all may do well.

Charleroi Federal, the bank that feels like home.
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